Bildercollage, links ein Herr im winterlich Mantel der im Wald steht, rechts eine Dame in einer flauschigen Jacke und in der Mitte beide Personen zusammen vor einer Glasfassade fotografiert

Start A New Chapter with Us - We Are Hiring

Fynch-Hatton-is an emotional, lively brand world in which the stories never end and the inspiration does not know a limit. Then as now, we stand for reliable values ​​and brave visions. Every day our talented employees are: inside with passion for their tasks, with openness and courage for new ideas. We are proud of our dynamic team, which knows a common goal and clearly helps shape the success of Fynch-Hatton. At Fynch-Hatton we believe in real connections to our employees: inside and are looking for new enthusiastic personalities in our headquarters!

We look forward to your application!

Fynch-Hatton Textilhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Alsstraße 166
41063 Mönchengladbach Germany
Telephone: 02161-56745-0

Start: ab sofort
Ort: Headquarter Mönchengladbach

Bereiche: Menswear, Womenswear, Sustainability
Ort: Headquarter Mönchengladbach

Start: 01.08.2025
Ort: Headquarter Mönchengladbach

Start: ab sofort
Ort: Headquarter Mönchengladbach

Start: ab sofort
Ort: Headquarter Mönchengladbach

Start: ab sofort
Ort: Ravenna-Park in Halle (Westfalen)

Start: ab sofort
Ort: Huma Outlet in Sankt Augustin

Nothing suitable?

If there is currently no suitable position, we are always looking forward to receiving yours Initiative application. Then we will include your application in our candidate pool and contact you immediately.


Become part of the Fynch-Hatton Story