Fynch-Hatton provides you


Fynch-Hatton Textilhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Alsstr. 166
D-41063 Mönchengladbach

In order to ensure an ethically flawless and legally compliant behavior of our organization, we have set up an internal registration office in the form of this information guide system. This serves to clarify and prevent violations.

All employees as well as our business partners (suppliers, customers, etc.) have the opportunity to provide information on violations of laws, the code of conduct and guidelines - also completely anonymous.

On this safe side of the point, you can hand in a new note or log in to existing information in order to view our feedback or to resume communication.

In the following you will receive important information on the use of our whistle system:

  • All employees and our business partners (customers and suppliers) are entitled to submit reports (information).
  • Of course, you can also give your information anonymously, i.e. without personal information, allow the conclusions to be drawn about yourself. However, the clarification of a violation can be more effective if you provide your contact details. In principle, your identity will not be disclosed and positions and positions for other people without your express consent to other people than the respective reference worker, his team and the responsible departments (exceptions can apply in particular in the event of official investigations or in court procedures).
  • In the first step, only the reference worker and his team gets knowledge of their hint and accompanies the further significant steps of the Enlightenment. Unauthorized employees have no access to their hint. All information from your hint is treated strictly confidentially.
  • If you submit a note, you can view the processing status of your notice in your login area. Via this login area, the reference worker and his team also have the opportunity to contact you confidentially if you have any questions. In addition, you have the option of providing further information at any time. You will receive the necessary login data for this after submitting your notice. These access data (username and password) are generated automatically. Please remember these access data. This login area is of course also available to you if you give your note anonymously. Your anonymity remains preserved in this case.
  • The information system is used to accept information on violations of laws, the code of conduct and the guidelines. For general complaints or questions about our products or the product guarantee, please contact our general contact address.
  • Please only provide information if you are sure that the facts communicated correspond to the truth. Incidentally, truthfully truthful claims or untrue facts are to be avoided, since the whistle may be able to make himself punishable. In case of doubt, they characterize your hint as a guess or statement of a third party.
  • After receipt of your notice, you will receive an input confirmation in your login area. You will then receive a feedback from the reference worker or your team within a maximum of three months after receipt of the notice via the planned or already taken follow -up measures and the reasons for these follow -up measures (e.g. internal examinations or investigations). If you have given your email address, you will also be informed about each current processing status by email in your login area.

Please also note our data protection instructions on the whistle system.